The following materials are available for immediate sale at the Regional Landfill located 11kms NE of Sedgewick Alberta:
- Recycled Concrete Aggregate. This “All-in” aggregate is 1-inch (25mm) crush with all metal contaminates removed. This material is predominately used as sub-grade material for lanes and parking areas subject to unstable conditions. It is also used for compaction material around new culverts, utility trenches, and has proven exceptional for stabilizing feed lots, especially around feeding bunks and water tanks. Cost loaded at our site is $19 per Tonne
- Recycled Asphalt. Asphalt from local municipal projects has been recovered and reduced to 3/4 inch (20mm) aggregate with all contaminates removed. This material is ideally used as top cover on finished road grades to a 6 inch depth. It is excellent for rural lane ways, partking areas or any other final surfaces requiring a clean finish. compaction is required for best final appearance. cost loaded at your site is $19 per Tonne.